A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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This is a small runner game where you play as a small mouse running through a city and space (!) endlessly until you collide with an obstacle long enough to disappear from the screen. Reach the blinking curio to progress and reach the other zone!

Art by Yomiell. Please praise him as he definitely did a better work than me, hahaha!

Commands :  

  • S : toggle shaders
  • Space : jump!
    • BOnus command : press space at the apex of  a cat bounce or a mode switch to gain style points!
  • Alt+Return = toggle fullscreen/windowed 


By lack of time (and energy, sorry), I couldn't make correct obstacle patterns nor patterns that would kill you if you miss the mode alternation button at the end of a pattern. There is one day left but I don't know if I still have time to polish it...

Changelog :

2017/06/13 : Initial version

2017/06/14 : "Aaah I'm running out of time" version

  • Tweaked speed increase
  • Added more patterns


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Mouse run-win64.zip 3.1 MB
Mouse run.love 163 kB

Development log

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